miércoles, 25 de enero de 2017

Donald Trump

I think people are scared from Donald Trump cause his ideas are diferent from all the others presidents before him, and he wants to show to the Americans new things. I know that some ideas are crazy and bad, like the wall, but the idea of more protections for the people that wants to enter in America is a great idea.
Another ba thing is he want to put his children in president or important things, and is a very bad idea, cause the kid didn't know about it. I think Trump can be a good and a new type of president, but not the best.

Donald Trump was born and raised in Queens, he pass his studies of economy and decide to take the business of his father. He's the 45th president of United States.

miércoles, 11 de enero de 2017

When I came to Spain | MyWorld

I was born in France, to be more especific in "Sete" (It's near to Perpignan) and when I was 5 years old my parents decide to go to live in Spain. When I came to Spain, I was very shy, cause I didn't know the language and the people of the class was looking at me because I was new in the classroom. In the first year I didn't have a lot of friends, just one, his name was Joshua, he was my best friend, and the only friend for P5.
After one year in this school I began to make friends, and a lot of them still are my friend now. Now that I know the language it is more easier to make friends. One of them, called "Lluis" tell me about videogames, and I love the videogames when I try them.

New year resolutions

I just have four resolutions for this year, one of them is to complete the ESO and go to Barcelona. Another resolution is to learn to cook, cause if I have to live in Barcelona I have to know how to cook, thats important, I don't want to burn the apartment.
 One more of my resolutions is face my fears, cause I have some fears that I never try to face them. And the last resolutions is to become more organized, I'm organized with the things I like, but no with the others, like study things cause I hate them.
 I never have a lot of resolution, cause I know myself and I'm not gonna to complete them cause I'm lazy.