miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2016

My dream

 To be a cinema director.

One of my dreams is to be a cinema director, I don't know why but i like it, I think it's cause i like the computer and editing some videos. And I think I like to film cause if I work of cinema director I can travel around the world and see a lot of stuff. I love to edit too, but it's easier and funnier to record the film (in my opinion). Every week I try to think abouts things I can do with a camera, and I'm always trying to make something better. It's a little bit hard, cause a lot of programs for editing videos have to be paid to acces to him, so i search some videos for download it free. But the programs of edition are not the only things expensive, the cameras too. But I always find something and always being positive when I'm making a video.

My Bucket List

Here we have 15 things i want to do before i die:

1.Be a cinema director.
Resultado de imagen de camara cine
2.Travel to LA.
Resultado de imagen de La
3.Travel To Japan (Tokyo).
Resultado de imagen de japan tokyo
Resultado de imagen de Skydive
5.Go to TomorrowLand (Festival Music).
Resultado de imagen de tomorrowland

6.Go to the E3 in LA (Game event).
Resultado de imagen de E3
7.Be an LCS player.
Resultado de imagen de lcs league of legends
8.Visit all my friends of other countries.
Resultado de imagen de countries
9.Reach 1k suscribers in this year on my Youtube Channel.
Resultado de imagen de youtube
10.Travel around the world
.Resultado de imagen de world
11.Find a job I love.
Resultado de imagen de job
12.Go on a helicopter ride.
Resultado de imagen de helicopter
13.Travel with that special person.
Resultado de imagen de travel
14.Live in LA.
Resultado de imagen de LA
15.Complete My bucket list.