viernes, 19 de mayo de 2017

My first time to Spain

I was born in France, in Sète. I been living there for 5 years, and there, in France school, the teachers and some companions that don't like me cause I sweat from the hands for a probleme that I have. So my parents decide to move at Spain, to see if it was better. When I come at the school Ruiz Amado, I was scaried, cause I didn't know anyone and didn't know the language, I was confused. The only thing that I knew was "Hola, me llamo Anthony", so that was my awnser for all the questions. After a week, my parents ask to me if all was good, and all was fine for me, new friends, new school, new language, but all was fine, cause I was happy. So this was my beginning in Spain, a little boy with 5 years old. And all still good, I think that is one of my best decisions.

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