viernes, 19 de mayo de 2017

My Rare dream

One of my most rare dreams I had and one of the most importants for me cause I understand how important are some people for me. In my dream, I don't know why, but I decided to die, and I get transformed to a ghost. My body was invisible for the rest of people, I can touch them and they can feel my touch, but not seeing me. I don't know why I was in the school, turning on and off the lights in class, and suddenly, a bomb explode. I decided to look what have happen, and when I look it, I began to see some dead people. After 10s looking the bodies, I get teleported where my GirlFriend was, and that hurts me a lot, cause I can not talk with her when she was in front, and that for a long time, looking her crying.
Sooooo yes, that's one of my weird and rare dreams ever.

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